Tuesday 15 July 2008


Here is CSS's video for their song 'Rat is Dead' from their new album 'Donkey'. Love the choice of titles! CSS (or Cansei Der Ser Sexy) are a fabulously eccentric band from Brazil. I saw them perform live when supporting Gwen Stefani on her European tour and they were hot! hot! hot! Lovefoxx, the lead singer has so much energy and a truly unique sense of style (as you can see in the video). The band seem to be going for more guitar-felt sound compared to the electro-pop of their previous album. I'm intrigued to see how the new album will turn out, it'll be a mission to top tunes like 'Music Is My Hot Hot Sex' and 'Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above', but you can guarantee that it'll be fun all the same.

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